Hacia una Química Sostenible: Utilización de Disolventes no
Convencionales en los Nuevos Procesos Catalíticos de Síntesis
(Referencia: P07-FQM-02474)
Organismo financiador: Junta de Andalucía
(Consejería de Innovación, Ciencia y Empresas) Fecha de Inicio: 31-01-2008. Fecha
de Finalización: 31-12-2012 |
Notas de prensa y noticias en radio y televisión
Responsable: Agustín
Galindo del Pozo Investigadores: María
del Mar Conejo Argandoña Otros Investigadores: Becarios: |
InnovaPress (12 de julio de 2010)
Diario de Sevilla (13 de julio de 2010) [
] [ Papel ]
Diario Sur, Málaga (13 de julio de 2010) [
] [ Papel ]
Diario Ideal, Granada (19 de julio de 2010) [ Web
] [ Papel ]
de Comunicación (Universidad de Sevilla, enero de 2012)
Diario de Sevilla (18 de enero de 2012) [
] [ Papel ]
Noticias en radio y televisión:
Programa Tesis
Canal Sur 2 (Sección cápsulas, enero de 2011)
COPE (enero de 2012)
Resultados más relevantes
Preparation of the catalyst support
from the Oil-Shale processing by-product. Fernando Pérez-Caballero,
A.-L. Peikolainen, M. Koel,
Matthew Herbert, Agustín Galindo, Francisco Montilla. The Open
Petroleum Engineering Journal 2008, 1, 42-46.
Direct Bonds Between Metal Atoms:
Metal-Metal Bonded Compounds of Zn, Cd and Hg. Ernesto
Carmona, Agustín Galindo. Angew. Chem. Int. Ed. 2008, 47, 6526-6536.
Complexes with Pincer Diphosphite Ligands.
Unusual Olefin in-plane Coordination in Square-planar Compounds. Miguel Rubio,
Andrés Suárez, Diego del Rio, Agustín Galindo, Eleuterio
Álvarez, Antonio Pizzano.
Organometallics 2009, 28, 547–560.
Oil Shale Phenol-Derived Aerogels as Supports for Palladium Nanoparticles.
Fernando Pérez-Caballero, A.-L. Peikolainen, M. Uibu, Matthew
Herbert, Agustín Galindo, Francisco Montilla, M. Koel. Oil
Shale 2009,
26, 28–39.
Complexes of Polydimethylsiloxane Functionalised
Pyridine as Efficient Olefin Epoxidation Catalysts in
Solventless and Low Polar Solvent Conditions. Matthew
Herbert, Agustín Galindo, Francisco Montilla. Organometallics 2009, 28, 2855–2863.
Olefin epoxidations
in the ionic liquid [C4mim][PF6]
catalysed by oxodiperoxomolybdenum species in-situ generated from molybdenum trioxide
and urea-hydrogen peroxide. The synthesis and molecular structure of [Mo(O)(O2)2(4-MepyO)2]·H2O.
Matthew Herbert, Francisco Montilla, Raquel Moyano, Antonio Pastor, Eleuterio
Álvarez, Agustín
Galindo. Polyhedron 2009, 28, 3929-3934.
Supercritical carbon dioxide, a new
medium for aerobic alcohol oxidations catalysed by copper-TEMPO. Matthew
Herbert, Francisco Montilla, Agustín
Galindo. Dalton
Trans. 2010,
39, 900-907.
Olefin epoxidation
by hydrogen peroxide catalysed by molybdenum complexes in ionic liquids and structural
characterisation of the proposed intermediate dioxoperoxomolybdenum
species. Matthew Herbert, Eleuterio Álvarez, David J. Cole-Hamilton, Francisco Montilla, Agustín Galindo.
Commun. 2010, 46, 5933-5935.
Synthesis and theoretical
analysis of palladium complexes of polydimethylsiloxane functionalised pyridine and their catalytic
activity in alcohol oxidations
under low polar conditions. Matthew Herbert, Francisco Montilla,
Agustín Galindo. Polyhedron 2010, 29,
Olefin epoxidation in solventless
conditions and apolar media catalysed by specialised oxodiperoxomolybdenum
complexes. Matthew Herbert, Francisco Montilla,
Agustín Galindo. J. Mol. Catal.
A: Chemical 2011, 338, 111-120.
Influence of N donor
bases and the solvent in oxodiperoxomolybdenum catalysed olefin epoxidation with hydrogen peroxide in ionic liquids. Matthew Herbert, Francisco Montilla,
Agustín Galindo, Raquel Moyano, Antonio Pastor, Eleuterio
Álvarez. Dalton Trans. 2011, 40, 5210-5219.
Synthetic and Structural Studies of Monocyclopentadienyl Cyclometalated
Aryl Tantalum(V) Compounds. Miguel Galajov, Agustín Galindo,
Carlos García, Manuel Gómez, Pilar Gómez-Sal,
Andrés Parra. Dalton
Trans. 2011,
40, 8399–8406.
Chemical Reactivity and
Electrochemistry of Metal-Metal Bonded Zincocenes.
Mario Carrasco, Riccardo Peloso,
Irene Resa, Amor Rodríguez,
Luis Sánchez, Eleuterio
Álvarez, Celia Maya, Rafael Andreu, Juan José Calvente,
Agustín Galindo, Ernesto Carmona. Inorg.
Chem. 2011,
50, 6361-6371.
Chemistry with N-ligands: Unique Control of the Supramolecular Arrangement over the Metal Coordination
Mode. Abdessamad Grirrane,
Antonio Pastor, Agustín Galindo, Eleuterio Álvarez, Carlo Mealli, Andrea Ienco, Annabella Orlandini, Patrick
Rosa, Andrea Caneschi, Anne-Laure Barra,
Javier Fernández Sanz.
a European Journal 2011, 17, 10600 –
New insights into the mechanism of oxodiperoxomolybdenum catalysed olefin epoxidation
and the crystal structures of several oxo peroxo molybdenum complexes. Matthew Herbert, Francisco Montilla, Eleuterio Álvarez, Agustín
Galindo. Dalton Trans. 2012, 41, 6942-6956.
11th European Meeting on Supercritical Fluids.
“Specially functionalised ligands and
coordinating supports which facilitate dissolution of catalytic transition
metal species in non-polar “green” solvents, such as scCO2”.
Mayo 2008,
XVI-International Symposium on Homogeneous catalysis,
ISHC-XVI. “Use of functionalised polydimethylsiloxane
pyridine ligands in catalysed model oxidation
reactions: solvent and metal effects”. Julio 2008, Florencia,
Reunión del Grupo Especializado de Química Organometálica.
“Epoxidación de olefinas con complejos
de metales de los grupos 6 y 7 y ligandos funcionalizados con cadenas de tipo polidimetilsiloxano”.
Septiembre 2008, Santiago de Compostela.
Reunión del Grupo Especializado de Química Organometálica.
“Factores que afectan a la epoxidación
de cicloocteno con [Mo]/H2O2
(ac) en líquidos iónicos”.
Septiembre 2008, Santiago de Compostela.
“Solventless rhenium catalysed olefin epoxidation” Julio 2009, Palermo, Italia.
10th FIGIPAS. “Copper‑tempo catalysed alcohol
oxidation in supercritical carbon dioxide” Julio 2009, Palermo, Italia.
10th FIGIPAS. “Molybdenum oxobisperoxo catalysed
olefin epoxidation with hydrogen peroxide in ionic liquids” Julio 2009,
Palermo, Italia.
XXXII Reunión Bienal de
8th Green Chemistry Conference.
“First Examples of Copper TEMPO Catalysed Alcohol Oxidation in
Supercritical Carbon Dioxide” Septiembre 2009,
8th Green Chemistry Conference.
“Solvent-less Olefin Epoxidation Catalysed by
Rhenium Complexes” Septiembre 2009,
8th Green Chemistry Conference.
“Olefin Epoxidation in Ionic Liquids by
Hydrogen Peroxide with Oxidiperoxomolybdenum
catalysts” Septiembre 2009,
XIX EuCheMS Conference on Organometallic Chemistry. “Olefin epoxidation
in supported ionic-liquid-phase media catalysed by oxoperoxomolybdenum
complexes” Julio 2011,
XIX EuCheMS Conference on Organometallic Chemistry. “Theoretical study of epoxidation mechanism catalysed by oxodiperoxomolybdenum
species” Julio 2011,
5th EuCheMS Conference on
NITROGEN LIGANDS. “DFT study of Mo-catalysed epoxidation
mechanism: influence of the N-ligands” Septiembre 2011,
Reunión del Grupo Especializado de Química Organometálica.
“Epoxidación de olefinas en líquidos
iónicos soportados catalizada por complejos de molibdeno” Junio
2012, Castellón.
Reunión del Grupo Especializado de Química Organometálica.
“Complejos de molibdeno-acilpirazolona como catalizadores de reacciones “oxo-transfer” Junio 2012, Castellón.
ANQUE´s International
Congress of Chemical Engineering (ANQUE-ICCE 2012). “Supported ionic-liquids a new phase medium
for olefin epoxidation, catalysed by molybdenum
complexes” Junio 2012, Sevilla.
ANQUE´s International
Congress of Chemical Engineering (ANQUE-ICCE 2012). “Acylpyrazolone-molybdenum complexes:
synthesis, characterization and catalytic properties in oxo‑transfer
reactions” Junio 2012, Sevilla.
XXV International Conference on Organometallic
Chemistry (XXV ICOMC). “The dizinc Zn(I)-Zn(I) moiety as a ligand: a theoretical study” Septiembre
XXV International Conference on Organometallic
Chemistry (XXV ICOMC). “Deoxygenation of epoxides and diols to alkenes catalyzed
by dioxomolybdenum complexes” Septiembre 2012,
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