Title: Multibreathers stability theorems and applications

Speaker: JFR Archilla (pdf color slides 720 Kb, pdf B&W slides 720 Kb).
With J Cuevas, B Sánchez-Rey, A Alvarez and FR Romero.


Here we present a set of multibreather stability theorems (MST) that provides with a simple method to determine multibreathers stability in Klein--Gordon systems, with linear and nonlinear coupling. These theorems are based in the application of degenerate perturbation theory to Aubry's band theory. We apply it to two-site and three-site breathers, phonobreathers, dark breathers (explainig parity instabilities), models with long-range interaction, multibreathers and breathers in a 3D, helical, DNA model.

NATO-LOCNET Advanced Research Workshop: Intrinsic Localized Modes and Discrete Breathers in Nonlinear Lattices.
Erice, Sicily, Italy, 21-27 July 2003. Talk by JFR Archilla.