Title: Task 6 Randomness and
Speaker: JFR Archilla, T6 task coordinator
(pdf slides color 240 Kb).
midterm review. Mathematics Institute.
University of Warwick, Warwick, UK, 21-22 September 2002.
Part A - Research Results
A.1 Scientific Highlights
T6 Randomness and nonlinearity
- Spatial disorder in strict sense: Breather in disordered
systems can be continued in some cases inside the linearised
spectrum, and arbitrary weak nonlinearity was shown to allow
energy transport [KA0a,KA0b]. The relation between breathers
and Anderson modes is studied in a two-dimensional model
- Spatial inhomogeneities due to impurities, shape or other
causes: Properties of nonlinear impurity modes and their stability
are studied in the generalized Schrödinger equation
[SKBRC], and their effect on trapping in a Klein-Gordon
model [CPAR-II]. Characteristic frequencies of breathers at
bending points in curved alpha-helix proteins are found
[AGCC]. Properties of moving breathers in FPU systems with
segments of different masses are analyzed [BSS].
- Temporal randomness, i.e., temperature: The survival of
breather mobility across bending points in polymers with
temperature is observed in [RSIT,IST,TIS]. The thermalization
of standing phonons leading to transient DB is studied in
[JMAK]. Work is still in progress on nonlinear conductivity
of CDW materials by thermal nucleation of pairs of
discommensurations (Baesens, MacKay, Floria & Sancho).
- Application to DNA: Mobility of polarobreathers is observed to
survive to weak diagonal and structural off-diagonal disorder in a
3D DNA model [HAA].
A.2 Joint Publications
- [KA0a]
G Kopidakis (Heraklion), S Aubry (Saclay), Intraband discrete
breathers in disordered nonlinear systems II: Localization,
Physica D 139 (2000) 247-275.
- [KA0b]
G Kopidakis (Heraklion), S Aubry (Saclay), Discrete breathers and
delocalization in nonlinear disordered systems, Phys. Rev. Lett.
84 (2000) 3236-3239.
- [TIS]
GP Tsironis (Heraklion), M Ibañes, JM Sancho (both Barcelona),
Transport of localized vibrational energy in biopolymer models
with rigidity, Europhysics Letters 57 (2002), 697-703.
- [RSIT]
R Reigada, JM Sancho, M Ibañnes (all Barcelona), GP Tsironis
(Heraklion), Resonant motion of discrete breathers in curved
nonlinear chains, J. Phys. A 34 (2001), 8465-8475.
- [IST]
M Ibañes, JM Sancho (Barcelona), GP Tsironis (Heraklion),
Dynamical properties of discrete breathers in curved chains with
first and second neighbors interactions, Phys. Rev. E (2002). In
- [JMAK]
M Johansson, AM Morgante (Saclay), S Aubry (Saclay) and G
Kopidakis (Heraklion), Standing wave instabilities, breather
formation and thermalization in Hamiltonian anharmonic lattices,
Submitted to European Physical Journal, 2002.
- [HAA]
D Henning (Berlin), JFR Archilla (Sevilla)
and J Agarwal (Berlin), Nonlinear charge transport mechanism in
periodic and disordered DNA, submitted to Physica D, 2002.
- [AGCC]
JFR Archilla (Sevilla), Yu B Gaididei (Lyngby), PL Christiansen
(Lyngby) and J Cuevas (Sevilla), Stationary and moving breathers
in curved alpha-helix proteins, submitted to J. Phys. A, 2002.
A.3 Other publications by YRs.
- [BSS] I Bena*, A Saxena and JM Sancho
(all Barcelona), Interaction of a discrete breather with a lattice
junction, Phys. Rev. E, in press.
A.4 Other publications referred to in this report.
- [CAPR]
J Cuevas, JFR Archilla, F Palmero, FR Romero (all Sevilla),
Numerical study of two-dimensional disordered Klein-Gordon
lattices with cubic soft anharmonicity, J. Phys. A 34-16 (2001),
- [SKBRC] AA Sukhorukov, YS Kivshar, O Bang (Lyngby),
J Juul Rasmussen and PL Christiansen (Lyngby), Nonlinearity and
disorder: Classification and stability of nonlinear impurity
modes, Phys. Rev. E 63 (2001),036601(1-18).
J Cuevas, F Palmero, JFR Archilla, FR Romero (all Sevilla), Moving
discrete breathers in a Klein-Gordon chain with an impurity,
Submitted to J. Phys. A, 2002.