T4: 18-24 years

The challenge of entering adulthood in adopted youngsters and youth with other care trajectories: longitudinal and cross-sectional analysis.

Reference: PID2020-115836RB-I00

Principal Investigator (PI): Maite Román Rodríguez and María del Carmen Moreno Rodríguez


This project addresses the fourth collection of data for the Longitudinal Adoption and Institutionalization Study, University of Seville (LAIS.US). It is one of the few active longitudinal studies on intercountry adoption in the world and the only one that also considers other child protection measures. Funded by R+D ministerial resources, the study began when the children were 4-8 years old (T1), continued between 8-13 (T2) and 13-18 (T3) to compare the international adoption group with a residential care group and a comparison group. Currently, the object of this new phase is the transition to adulthood (18-25 years). Child protection research allows us to answer specific questions about each measure, while at the same time, it is a natural experiment that facilitates the in depth study of classic issues such as the influence of early experiences on later development and the ability to recover from the damage caused by initial adversity. Although very demanding in practice, longitudinal studies are the best way to study these issues.

The core contents of LAIS.US project address central issues of human development: growth and health, cognitive development and executive function, attachment, identity and social integration, while at the same time analyzing the characteristics of family context and parent-child relationships, thus facilitating the relationship between development and the context where it takes place. The study methods were adapted to the changing ages of the sample, but the same core concepts were maintained. International recognition of LAIS.US project has much to do with these contents and the longitudinal nature of this research. Emerging adulthood will allow us to address new, identity-related issues, the search for one’s origins and access to adult roles, in line with novel concerns of international child protection research.

A longitudinal design was used for the three initial data collections phases (with retention greater than 70% of the entire sample) and for this T4 phase, we continue to use this same method for the international adoption group that contains 69 potential subjects. Location of the residential foster care group is proving difficult, as those participants are of legal age and have left the protection system; therefore, interest focuses on other protection measures to contain a cross-sectional sample of young people with different protection trajectories (national or intercountry adoption from other countries, foster and residential care) and a comparison group. The same cross-sectional approach extends to the adoptive and foster parents. Another feature of LAIS.US project is its commitment with the transfer of knowledge to professional child protection interventions. This commitment is now maintained for the transition into adulthood, with the additional challenges for those who have very complex personal histories, as well as for those responsible for their upbringing, development and professional support.

Type: Research Project

Program funded by: R+D+I Projects

Funding source: Ministry of Science and Innovation

Scope: National

Competitive Summons: Yes

Start Date: 01/09/2021

End Date: 31/08/2025

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