Foster care

The LAIS.US study in its first phase (W1) is connected to the research Socio-emotional and cognitive development in foster care. Adversity, family processes and adaptation, directed by Dr. Jesús Jiménez of the University of Seville. This research project studied child development and family processes in foster care. The following papers resulted from the connection between the two works:

Molano, N., León, E., Jiménez-Morago, J.M. & Román​, M. (8-9 de septiembre, 2022). Analysis of caregiver-child interactions in family-based care:​ implications for intervention​. 11th International Foster Care Research Network Conference (IFCRN22), Barcelona, España.

Jiménez-Morago, J.M., Molano, N., Carrera, P., Román, M. & León, E. (8-9 de septiembre, 2022). Dimensions of adaptation in out-of-home care: support needs of children and families. 11th International Foster Care Research Network Conference (IFCRN22), Barcelona, España.

Jiménez, J., León, E. & Román, M. (2015). Adversity and adjustment in children in institutions, family foster care, and adoption. The Spanish Journal of Psychology, 18 (e45), 1-10.

Carrera, P., Román, M. & Jiménez-Morago, J. M. (2020). Foster children’s attachment representations: the role of type of maltreatment and the relationship with birth family. Attachment & Human Development, 00(00), 1–18.

Molano, N., León, E., Román, M., Jiménez-Morago, J. M. & Moreno, C. (2021). Building up secure relationships: Analysis of adult-child interactions in foster and adoptive families. Children and Youth Services Review, 126.

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