Conferences and Professional Meetings

Román, M. (13 November 2023). El vínculo de apego. Parentalidad positiva en el Sistema Sanitario Público de Andalucía. Jornada de Presentación Estrategia de Salud de la Infancia y la Adolescencia de Andalucía, de la Consejería de Salud y Consumo de la Junta de Andalucía. Andalusian Parliament, Seville.

Román, M. & Fuentes-González., A. (9 November 2023). Características y evolución de chicos y chicas en acogimiento residencial en España: Una aproximación desde el estudio longitudinal LAIS.US. [Oral communication]. VI Jornada menores en desamparo. Creando Cultura de acogimiento. La espiral de la institucionalización. Intervención con la infancia y adolescencia vulnerable: prevención, protección y emancipación. University of Seville, Seville.

Carrera, P., Cáceres, I., Ferrari, L., Palacios, J., & Román, M. (12-15 September 2023). Identification with birth country and perceived discrimination among Eastern European internationally adopted adolescents in Spain. [Oral communication].International Conference European Scientific Association on Residential & Family Care for Children and Adolescents: Equity and Social Justice in Child, Youth and Family Welfare(EUSARF). University of Sussex, Brighton, United Kingdom.

Molano, N. & León, E. (12-15 September 2023). Advancements in interventions across care contexts. Providing family time for children and adolescents in residential care: the Collaborating Families
. [Oral communication]. International Conference European Scientific Association on Residential & Family Care for Children and Adolescents: Equity and Social Justice in Child, Youth and Family Welfare (EUSARF). University of Sussex, Brighton, United Kingdom.

Moreno-Maldonado, C., Molano, N., León, E., Peñarrubia, M.G., & Román, M. (12-15 September 2023). Parent attachment representations and responsiveness in interactions with their children in adoptive families. [Poster]. International Conference European Scientific Association on Residential & Family Care for Children and Adolescents: Equity and Social Justice in Child, Youth and Family Welfare (EUSARF). University of Sussex, Brighton, United Kingdom.

Fuentes-González, A., Román M,, Cáceres I., & Moreno, C. (12-15 September 2023). Study of influential variables in long-term residential care. [Poster]. International Conference European Scientific Association on Residential & Family Care for Children and Adolescents: Equity and Social Justice in Child, Youth and Family Welfare (EUSARF). University of Sussex, Brighton, United Kingdom.

Paniagua, C., Fuentes-González, A., Carrera, P., & Román, M. (12-15 September 2023). Emotion recognition in international adoption: from childhood to adolescence. [Poster]. International Conference European Scientific Association on Residential & Family Care for Children and Adolescents: Equity and Social Justice in Child, Youth and Family Welfare(EUSARF). University of Sussex, Brighton, United Kingdom.

Román, M., Moreno-Maldonado, C., Peñarrubia, M., Moreno, C. & Palacios, J. (14-16 June 2023). Attachment in adoptive families: Mental representations in children and mothers. [Oral communication]. 11th Conference of the European Society on Family Relations (ESFR). Roskilde University. Roskilde, Denmark.

Cáceres, I., Fuentes-González, A. & Román, M. (14-16 June 2023). Family communication about adoption and internalizing problems in internationally adopted adolescents. [Oral communication].11th Conference of the European Society on Family Relations (ESFR). Roskilde University. Roskilde, Denmark.

Molano, N., León, E., Moreno, C., Moreno-Maldonado, C. & Román, M. (14-16 June 2023). Parent-adolescent interactions in adoptive families and their relationship with adoptees’ psychological adjustment. [Poster]. 11th Conference of the European Society on Family Relations (ESFR). Roskilde University. Roskilde, Denmark.

Fuentes-González, A., Cáceres, I., Miranda-Vázquez, M. & Román, M. (14-16 June 2023). Growing up in residential care: The role of biological families. [Poster]. 11th Conference of the European Society on Family Relations (ESFR). Roskilde University. Roskilde, Denmark.

Carrera, P., Cáceres, I., Moreno-Maldonado, C., Palacios, J., & Román, M. (1-3 december 2022). Fetal alcohol spectrum disorders in Easter Europe adopted adolescents: neurodevelopment, comorbid conditions, service use and biopsychosocial profiles. [Poster].14th Excellence in Pediatrics (EIP), Amsterdam, Netherlands.

Fuentes-González, A., Moreno-Maldonado, C., Palacios, J., Moreno, C., & Román, M. (1-3 december 2022). Development of boys and girls in residential care: Results of physical growth and mental health.[Oral communication].14th Excellence in Pediatrics (EIP), Amsterdam, Netherlands.

Fuentes-González, A., Román, M., Cáceres, I., Moreno, C., & Palacios, J. (8-9 september 2022). Longitudinal monitoring of the trajectories of a group of boys and girls through the child protection system: Analysis of the experience in foster care. 11th International Foster Care Research Network Conference (IFCRN22), Barcelona, Spain.

Román, M., León, E., Moreno-Maldonado, C., Peñarrubia, M., Palacios, J., & Moreno, C. (14-16 july 2022). Children’s attachment representations and family functioning in adoptive contexts. International Attachment Conference (IAC), Lisboa, Portugal.

Peñarrubia, M., Moreno-Maldonado, C., Carrera, P., Palacios, J., Moreno, C., & Román, M. (14-16 july 2022). Exploring the consistency of attachment representations between adoptive mothers and children in comparison with non-adoptive dyads.International Attachment Conference (IAC), Lisboa, Portugal.

Román, M., Cáceres, I., Fuentes-González, A., Carrera, P., & Palacios, J. (14-16 july 2022). Developmental course of Reactive Attachment Disorder and Disinhibited Social Engagement symptoms after adoption. International Attachment Conference (IAC),Lisboa, Portugal.

Moreno-Maldonado, C., Peñarrubia, M., Palacios, J., Carrera, P.,Moreno, C., & Román, M. (14-16 july 2022).Comparing Attachment Representations among Internationally Adoptive Parents and Non-Adoptive Parents Using the Adult Attachment Interview (AAI). International Attachment Conference (IAC),Lisboa, Portugal.

Román, M., Moreno, C. Palacios, J., León, E., Jiménez-Morago, J., Cáceres, I., Fuentes-González, A., Carrera, P., Molano, N., Peñarrubia, M., Paniagua, C., Moreno-Maldonado, C., Ramos, P., & Miranda, M. T.  (10-12 november 2021). El reto de la transición a la adultez en personas con diferentes trayectorias de protección: Un estudio longitudinal y transversal.[ Oral communication]. V Congreso Interés Superior de la Infancia y la Adolescencia. Acogimiento familiar: el derecho a crecer en familia. Madrid, Spain.

Fuentes-González, A., Román, M.,Cáceres, I., Moreno, C., & Palacios, J. (10-12 november 2021). Impacto del acogimiento residencial: Seguimiento longitudinal del ajuste psicosocial de un grupo de chicos y chicas en centros de acogida. [Poster]. V Congreso del interés superior de la Infancia y Adolescencia, Madrid, Spain.

Cáceres, I., Soares, J., Román, M., Palacios, J., Moreno, C., & Barbosa-Ducharne, M. (6-9 july 2021). Social development of adoptees during adolescence: A multi-level model of social skills self-reported by teens and perceived by parents and teachers [Oral communication in simposium]. 7th International Conference on Adoption Research (ICAR7), Milán, Italy.

Palacios, J., Peñarrubia, M. G., Román, M., Cáceres, I., & Carrera, P. (6-9 july 2021). Attachment representations and earley adversity in internationally adopted children using the Friends and Family Interview[Oral communication]. 7th International Conference on Adoption Research (ICAR7), Milán, Italy.

Román, M., Cáceres, I., Carrera, P., Fuentes-González, A., & Moreno, C. (6-9 july 2021). School victimization and psychosocial adjustment among Eastern European adopted adolescents [Oral communication in simposium]. 7th International Conference on Adoption Research (ICAR7), Milán, Italy.

León, E., Molano, N., Moreno-Maldonado, C., Román, M., & Palacios, J. (6-9 july 2021). Parent-child interactions in adoptive families: a comparative and longitudinal analysis[Oral communication]. 7th International Conference on Adoption Research (ICAR7), Milán, Italy.

Molano, N., León, E., Román, M., Jiménez-Morago, J., & Moreno, C. (6-9 de july 2021). Analysis of adult-child interactions in adoptive, foster and community families [Oral communication]. 7th International Conference on Adoption Research (ICAR7), Milán, Italy.

Román, M., León, E., Palacios, J., Peñarrubia, M. G., & Cáceres, I. (6-9 july 2021). Attachment in internationally adopted children and its relationship with family functioning [Poster]. 7th International Conference on Adoption Research (ICAR7), Milán, Italy.

Cáceres, I., Román, M., Moreno, C., Peñarrubia, M. G., & Palacios, J. (6-9 july 2021). Why are adopted children rejected more by their peers at school? An analysis of variables associated with rejection in school-age adoptees [Poster]. 7th International Conference on Adoption Research (ICAR7), Milán, Italy.

Fuentes-González, A., & Román, M. (9-11 july 2021). Acogimiento residencial en España: Perfil y trayectorias de los menores institucionalizados [Oral communication]. V Congreso Nacional de Psicología e International Symposium on Public Health Psychology (CNP 2021), Online.

Cáceres, I., Román, M., Salcedo, R., & León, E. (18 june 2021).La competencia social en el contexto escolar de adolescentes adoptados internacionalmente: Habilidades y dificultades percibidas por el profesorado. [Poster]. X Congreso Internacional De Psicología y Educación, Córdoba, Spain.

Cáceres, I., Román, M., & Palacios, J. (18 june 2021). Integración social y relaciones de amistad en la escuela en adolescentes adoptados de Rusia en España [Oral communication in simposium]. X Congreso Internacional De Psicología y Educación, Córdoba, Spain.

Molano, N., León, E., Román, M., & Jiménez-Morago, J. (18 june 2021). Las interacciones familiares en el acogimiento y la adopción: el papel de las dificultades de ajuste psicosocial de los menores [Oral communication in simposium]. X Congreso Internacional De Psicología y Educación, Córdoba, Spain.

Peñarrubia, M. G., Paniagua, C., Román, M, Cáceres, I., & Palacios, J. (3-5 de december 2020). Psychological development in children being raised in adoptive families and residential care [Poster]. 12th Excellence in Pediatrics Virtual Conference (EIP), London, United Kingdom.

Román, M., Paniagua, C., Moreno, C., Peñarrubia, M. G., & Palacios, J. (3-5 december 2020). Longitudinal study of growth and prevalence of medical issues in internationally adopted children [Poster]. 12th Excellence in Pediatrics Virtual Conference (EIP), London, United Kingdom.

Carrera, P., Román, M., Cáceres, I., Jiménez-Morago, J., León, E., & Palacios, J. (13-15 november 2019) Ajuste escolar de niños y niñas adoptados, en acogimiento familiar y en acogimiento residencial [Poster]. IV Congreso del Interés Superior del Niño (ISN), Madrid, Spain.

Román, M. (18 october 2018). La evolución del apego en la transición de la desprotección a la protección en la infancia [Presentation]. Jornada El Apego como Vínculo Afectivo, organizado por SAMU: Escuela de emergencias, Seville, Spain.

Román, M., Palacios, P., Moreno, C., & León, E. (2-5 october 2018). The attachment system in adopted children: A longitudinal study of attachment behaviours, mental representations and disturbances [Oral communication]. XV International Conference EUSARF (European Scientific Association on Residential & Family Care for Children and Adolescents), Oporto, Portugal.

Cáceres, I., Román, M., Moreno, C., & Palacios, J. (2-5 october 2018). Internationally adopted children in educational settings: Social competencies and sociometric status in their peer groups [Oral communication]. XV International Conference EUSARF (European Scientific Association on Residential & Family Care for Children and Adolescents), Oporto, Portugal.

León, E., Palacios, J., Román, M., Moreno, C., & Cáceres, I. (2-5 october 2018). Family dynamics in internationally adoptive families: A longitudinal and comparative study [Oral communication]. XV International Conference EUSARF (European Scientific Association on Residential & Family Care for Children and Adolescents), Oporto, Portugal.

Cáceres, I., Román, M., Moreno, C., & Palacios, J. (2-5 october 2018). The development of social competence in children who grew up in residential care: A longitudinal analysis from early childhood to adolescence [Oral communication]. XV International Conference EUSARF (European Scientific Association on Residential & Family Care for Children and Adolescents), Oporto, Portugal.

Palacios, J., Román, M., Moreno, C., & Cáceres, I. (8-12 july 2018). Psychological development and life styles in teenagers from the Russian Federation adopted in Spain [Symposium]. 6th International Conference on Adoption Research (ICAR6), Montreal, Canada.

Cáceres, I., Román, M., Moreno, C., & Palacios, J. (8-12 july 2018). The development of social competence in adopted people: a longitudinal study from childhood to adolescence [Oral communication]. 6th International Conference on Adoption Research (ICAR6), Montreal, Canada.

Román, M., Palacios, J., Cáceres, I., León, E., & Peñarrubia, M. G. (8-12 july 2018). Growth trajectories from infancy to adolescence in internationally adopted children [Poster]. 6th International Conference on Adoption Research (ICAR6), Montreal, Canada.

León, E., Palacios, J., Moreno, C., Román, M., & Cáceres, I. (8-12 july 2018). Parental stress and children’s psychological adjustment in internationally adoptive families throughout ten years of study [Poster]. 6th International Conference on Adoption Research (ICAR6), Montreal, Canada.

Cáceres, I., Moreno, C., Román, M., Moreno-Maldonado, C., & Palacios, J. (8-12 july 2018). Adopted children at school: social relationships, sociometric status and social reputation in the peer group [Poster]. 6th International Conference on Adoption Research (ICAR6), Montreal, Canada.

Román, M., & Moreno, C. (10-11 july 2018). Bienestar y desarrollo de adolescentes con distintas trayectorias de adversidad y recuperación. Retos personales, familiares y sociales [Oral communication]. Jornada de Seguimiento Científico-técnico del área temática de Psicología, en la Agencia Estatal de Investigación, Ministerio de Ciencia, Innovación y Universidades, Madrid, Spain.

Cáceres, I., Román, M., & Moreno, C. (5-7 february 2018). Internationally adopted children at school: social skills perceived by teachers and sociometric status in the peer group [Oral communication]. International Society for the Study of Behavioural Development (ISSBD) Regional workshop, Milán, Italy.

Cáceres, I., Román, M., Moreno, C., Palacios, J., & Peñarrubia, M. G. (28-30 november 2017). Competencia social en menores en acogimiento residencial: un análisis longitudinal de sus relaciones en el grupo de iguales [Oral communication]. III Congreso “El Interés Superior del Niño. El acogimiento familiar. Una medida de protección necesaria y valiosa”, Madrid, Spain.

Román, M., Palacios, J., & Peñarrubia M. G. (16-18 november 2017). Estudio longitudinal de la sintomatología de los trastornos de apego en niños y niñas adoptados [Oral communication in Symposium]. 3rd International Congress of Clinical and Health Psychology on Children and Adolescents (AITANA), Seville, Spain.

Cáceres, I., Moreno, C., Román, M., Moreno-Maldonado, C., Peñarrubia, M. G., & Palacios, J. (16-18 november 2017). Autoestima, disforia y sintomatología depresiva en menores adoptados internacionalmente: análisis de casos clínicos [Oral communication in Symposium]. 3rd International Congress of Clinical and Health Psychology on Children and Adolescents (AITANA), Seville, Spain.

Peñarrubia, M. G., Palacios, J., Román, M., & León, E. (16-18 november 2017). Síntomas de hiperactividad/inatención en menores adoptados internacionalmente y su relación con el desarrollo socio-emocional [Oral communication in Symposium]. 3rd International Congress of Clinical and Health Psychology on Children and Adolescents (AITANA), Seville, Spain.

Cáceres, I., Moreno, C., Román, M., Moreno-Maldonado, C., Peñarrubia, M. G., & Palacios, J. (16-18 november 2017). Competencia social en niños y niñas en centros de protección: habilidades sociales, problemas de conducta y reputación en el grupo de iguales [Poster]. 3rd International Congress of Clinical and Health Psychology on Children and Adolescents (AITANA), Seville, Spain.

Román, M. (21-22 june 2017). Adopción y trastornos del apego [Presentation]. Jornadas “Rompiendo moldes: adopciones especiales y adopciones abiertas en pro del interés superior del niño”, Madrid, Spain.

Paniagua, C., Moreno, C., Jiménez, A. M., Román, M., & León, E. (8-10 december 2016). Age at placement in adoption: health effects in adolescents [Poster]. International Congress 8th Excellence in Pediatrics, London, United Kingdom.

Marín, C., Espelt, F., León, E., Román, M., & Palacios J. (11 november 2016). Interacciones madres-hijo y apego en familias adoptivas y biológicas [Poster]. Jornada sobre Intervención y Mediación Familiar ‘10 años del Máster en Intervención y Mediación Familiar en la Universidad de Sevilla: desarrollos profesionales y de investigación de sus egresado/as’, Seville, Spain.

Román, M., Palacios, J., Moreno, C., León, E., & Peñarrubia, M. G. (16-19 september 2016). Internationally adopted children become adolescents: Physical, cognitive, emotional and social development [Poster]. 15th Biennial Conference of the European Association for Research on Adolescence (EARA), Cádiz, Spain.

Cáceres, I., Román, M., Palacios, J., & Moreno, C. (16-19 september 2016). Self-esteem, disphoria and depression on adopted pre-adolescents [Poster]. 15th Biennial Conference of the European Association for Research on Adolescence (EARA), Cádiz, Spain.

Román, M., Palacios, J., Moreno, C., León, E., & Peñarrubia, M. G. (13-16 september 2016). Socio-emotional development in children in residential care [Oral communication]. XIV International Conference EUSARF (European Scientific Association on Residential & Family Care for Children and Adolescents), Oviedo, Spain.

Peñarrubia, M. G., Palacios, J., Román, M., Moreno, C., & León, E. (13-16 september 2016). Executive function in children in residential care [Oral communication]. XIV International Conference EUSARF (European Scientific Association on Residential & Family Care for Children and Adolescents), Oviedo, Spain.

Jiménez, J., León, E., Román, M., & Palacios, J. (13-16 september 2016). Adversity and adjustment in children in institutions, family foster care, and adoption [Oral communication]. XIV International Conference EUSARF (European Scientific Association on Residential & Family Care for Children and Adolescents), Oviedo, Spain.

Palacios, J., Román, M., Moreno, C., León, E., & Peñarrubia, M. G. (7-11 january 2016). The complexities of recovery after early adversity [Oral communication]. 5th International Conference on Adoption Research (ICAR5), Auckland, New Zealand.

Román, M., León, E., Palacios, J., Moreno, C., & Peñarrubia, M. G. (7-11 january 2016). Emotional development in adopted children and its relation to family context [Poster]. 5th International Conference on Adoption Research (ICAR5), Auckland, New Zealand.

León, E., Román, M., Palacios, J., & Moreno, C. (7-11 de enero de 2016). Parental reflective thinking about their adopted children and their relationship and its influence on parent-child interaction [Poster]. 5th International Conference on Adoption Research (ICAR5), Auckland, New Zealand.

Peñarrubia, M. G., Palacios, J., Román, M., Rivera, F., & Moreno, C. (7-11 january 2016). Executive function in children adopted internationally into Spanish families [Oral communication]. 5th International Conference on Adoption Research (ICAR5), Auckland, New Zealand.

Román, M. (27-28 november 2015). El apego en los niños adoptados [Conference]. Jornadas II Conversaciones sobre apego y resiliencia infantil, San Sebastián, Spain.

Román, M., Palacios, J., Moreno, C., & León, E. (20-22 november 2014). Desarrollo físico, emocional y social en niños y niñas en medidas de protección [Oral communication]. Congreso Internacional Infancia en Contextos de Riesgo, Huelva, Spain.

Román, M., & Palacios, J. (14-16 november 2014). Sintomatología de los trastornos de apego en niños y niñas en medidas de protección [Poster]. VII Congreso Internacional y XII Nacional de Psicología Clínica, Seville, Spain.

Román, M., León, E., Palacios, J., Moreno, C., & Peñarrubia, M. G. (14-16 november 2014). Promoción del desarrollo emocional desde el contexto familiar adoptivo [Poster]. III Congreso Iberoamericano de Psicología de la Salud, Seville, Spain.

León, E., Palacios, J., Román, M., Moreno, C., & Peñarrubia, M. G. (3-6 september 2014). Parental stress, family dynamics and children’s psychological adjustment in adoptive families: a comparative and longitudinal study Oral communication in Simposium]. 7º ESFR: Families in the context of economic crisis. Recent trends in multidisciplinary perspective, Madrid, Spain.

Peñarrubia, M. G., Román, M., Moreno, C., & Palacios, J. (30 august– 1 september 2013). Reflective functioning and attachment representations in children with early adversity experience: A study with the Friends and Family Interview [Oral communication]. 6th International Attachment Conference (IAC6), Pavia, Italy. 

Moreno-Maldonado, C., León, E., Román, M., Marín, C., Peñarrubia, M. G., & Palacios, J. (30 august – 1 september 2013). Parent-child interaction: Parental sensitivity and encouraging behavior in adoptive families [Poster]. 6th International AttachmentConference (IAC6), Pavia, Italy. 

Peñarrubia, M. G., Román, M., Moreno, C., & León, E. (7-11 july 2013). Individual and interpersonal emotions in internationally adopted children [Oral communication]. Fourth International Conference on Adoption Research (ICAR4), Bilbao, Spain.

Moreno, C., Palacios, J., Román, M., & Peñarrubia, M. G. (7-11 july 2013). Social competence in adopted children assessed by their teachers, mothers and classmates: A longitudinal analysis [Oral communication in Simposium Social competence, social integration and social functioning of adopted persons]. Fourth International Conference on Adoption Research (ICAR4), Bilbao, Spain.

Peñarrubia, M. G., Palacios, J., Moreno, C., Román, M., León, E., & Moreno-Maldonado, C. (7-11 july 2013). Executive function and early adversity in children adopted internationally [Oral communication in Simposium Neuropsychological consequencesof early deprivation: causes, consequences, intervention]. Fourth International Conference on Adoption Research (ICAR4), Bilbao, Spain.

Jiménez, J., León, E., Román, M., & Palacios, J. (7-11 july 2013). Sociodemographic profile and family adaptation in foster and adoptive families [Poster]. Fourth International Conference on Adoption Research (ICAR4), Bilbao, Spain.

Palacios, J., Román, M., Peñarrubia, M. G., & León, E. (7-11 july 2013). Growth recovery in internationally adopted children: a logitudinal study [Oral communication in Simposium Growth and development in internationally adopted children]. Fourth International Conference on Adoption Research (ICAR4), Bilbao, Spain.

Jiménez, J., León, E., Román, M., & Palacios, J. (7-11 july 2013). Children at protection centres, in foster families and adoptees in Spain: Profile of adversity and adjustment. Poster presented Fourth International Conference on Adoption Research (ICAR4). Bilbao, Spain.

Román, M., Palacios, J., Moreno, C., & León, E. (7-11 july 2013). Comprehension and recognition of emotions in internationally adopted children [Poster]. Fourth International Conference on Adoption Research (ICAR4), Bilbao, Spain

León, E., Román, M., Marín, C., & Moreno-Maldonado, C. (7-11 july 2013). Co-construction Task: a comparative and longitudinal analisis of parent-child interactions in adoptive families [Oral communication]. Fourth International Conference on Adoption Research (ICAR4), Bilbao, Spain.

León, E., Román, M., Peñarrubia, M. G., & Palacios, J. (7-11 july 2013). Family Dynamics in adoptive families: a comparative study [Poster]. Fourth International Conference on Adoption Research (ICAR4), Bilbao, Spain.

Román, M., Moreno, C., Peñarrubia, M. G., & Palacios, J. (7-11 july 2013). Longitudinal continuity and discontinuity in attachment representations of internationally adopted children [Oral communication in the Simposium Mental representations of attachment: Development and sources of influence]. Fourth International Conference on Adoption Research (ICAR4), Bilbao, Spain.

León, E., Román, M., & Palacios, J. (7-11 july 2013). Parental reflective thinking about their adopted children and their relationship: a comparative and longitudinal study [Oral communication]. Fourth International Conference on Adoption Research (ICAR4), Bilbao, Spain.

Román, M., Palacios, J., & Moreno, C. (17-19 october 2012). El abandono como guion relacional: apego y modelos internos en menores adoptados [Oral communication in Symposium]. XI Congreso Internacional de Infancia Maltratada: Construyendo puentes entre investigación y práctica, Oviedo, Spain.

Román, M. (5 de july 2012). Adolescencia y apego: redefiniendo los vínculos [Oral communication]. Workshop “Crecer y hacerse mayor como persona adoptada en España”, Madrid, Spain.

Román, M., Palacios, J., & Moreno, C. (23-27 august 2011). Development and attachment in Spanish institutionalized children [Póster]. 15th European Conference on Developmental Psychology (ECDP), Bergen, Norway.

Palacios, J., Román, M., Moreno, C., Sánchez-Sandoval, Y., León, E., & López, A. (23-27 august 2011). Linguistic competence in internationally adopted children [Póster]. 15th European Conference on Developmental Psychology (ECDP), Bergen, Norway.

Palacios, J., Fontela, C., Román, M., & Moreno, C. (19-21 august 2011). Attaching feelings to family drawings: adopted, institutionalized and control children [Póster]. 5th International Attachment Conference (IAC5), Oslo, Norway.

Román, M., & Palacios, J. (19-21 august 2011). Attachment disorder behaviours in internationally adopted children [Poster]. 5th International Attachment Conference (IAC5), Oslo, Norway.

Román, M., Palacios, J., Moreno, C., & López, A. (30 september – 1 october 2010). Apego en Niños y Niñas de Adopción Internacional [Oral communication]. Encuentro In the Best Interest of the Child, Madrid, Spain.

Palacios, J., Sánchez-Sandoval, Y., Román, M., Moreno, C., León, E., Marín, C., & Espelt, F. (11-15 july 2010). When the Two Families (Birth and Adoptive) Count: the Case of Adopted Children’s Psychological Development [Oral communication]. Third International Conference on Adoption Research (ICAR3), Leiden, Netherlands.

Román, M., Palacios, J., Moreno, C., & López, A. (11-15 july 2010). Internal Working Models of Attachment in Internationally Adopted Children [Oral communication]. Third International Conference on Adoption Research (ICAR3), Leiden, Netherlands.

Moreno, C., Palacios, J., & Román, M. (11-15 july 2010). Social Competence in Adopted and Institutionalized Children in Spain [Oral communication]. Third International Conference on Adoption Research (ICAR3), Leiden, Netherlands.

León, E., Román, M., Palacios, J., & Moreno, C. (11-15 july 2010). Parental Reflective Thinking About Their Adopted Children and Their Relationship: a Comparative Study [Oral communication]. Third International Conference on Adoption Research (ICAR3), Leiden, Netherlands.

Marín, C., Espelt, F., León, E., Román, M., & Palacios, J. (11-15 july 2010). Parent-Child Interaction in Adoptive Families: Co-Constructing Relationships [Poster]. Third International Conference on Adoption Research (ICAR3), Leiden, Netherlands.

Román, M., & Palacios, J. (2-4 october 2009). Internal Working Models of Attachment in Adopted and Institutionalized Children [Poster]. International AttachmentConference (IAC), Barcelona, Spain.

Palacios, J., Moreno, C., Román, M., & León, E. (13-17 july 2008). Attachment Scripts, Perceptions of the Child, and the Relationships Between Mothers and Their Internationally Adopted Children [Oral communication]. 20th Biennial International Society for the Study of Behavioural Development (ISSBD20) Meeting, Würzburg, Germany.

Román, M. (25-26 september 2008). Un Estudio Sobre Apego y Competencia Social en Familias de Adopción Internacional [Oral communication]. Encuentro El Bienestar y la Integración de los adoptados internacionales: Perspectivas Multidisciplinares, Madrid, Spain.

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