Data Protection

Loyola University takes very seriously your privacy regarding your personal data collected in this web page. Through the following privacy policy Loyola University informs all users of the web page:, of the different uses made of your personal data with the purpose of letting you decide,
freely and voluntarily, if you want to facilitate the information requested.

Loyola University reserves its right to modify this Policy to adapt it to new legislation, case law criteria, practices of the sector, or interests of the entity. Any modification in the policy will be announced with the due advance, so that you have perfect knowledge of its content.


The personal data Controller is:

FUNDACIÓN UNIVERSIDAD LOYOLA ANDALUCÍA (hereinafter referred to as “Loyola University”).
Registered office: Avda. de las Universidades s/n, 41704, Dos Hermanas, Sevilla.
Tel.:955 641 000

The collection and processing of your personal data carried out by this website has the following purposes:

  • Analyse the impact of the Covid-19 pandemic on perinatal mental health (Riseup-PPD-COVID-19)
  • Manage requests for information, inquiries, requests, complaints and doubts through the forms enabled on the web, through email.
  • Comply with the legal obligations required of Loyola University, as the data controller.


The personal data provided will be kept within the period of time necessary to manage your query, suggestion, complaint or claim, as well as for the said investigation or the development of the contractual relationship established between you and Loyola University. After that, we will keep your information for the corresponding period to comply with legal obligations or during the period that a judge or court may require it. In the case of subscriptions to newsletters, the data will be processed as long as you do not revoke the consent or oppose the treatment. Finally, your CV will be processed for two years unless you revoke the consent or oppose to the processing.


Loyola University process your personal data according to the following legal basis:

The data subject has given consent to the processing: You have expressed your consent by completing a form authorizing the processing of your personal data for a specific purpose or for certain purposes. You
can revoke the consent granted at any time through the means made available to you.

Compliance with legal obligations: The processing of your data is necessary to comply with the legal obligations established in the legislation.

Legitimate interests: The processing of your data is based on the legitimate interest of Loyola University when there is no other legal basis that allows the processing. In any case, a weighting of our legitimacy has been carried out so as not to cause any harm to their rights and fundamental freedoms, taking into account the reasonable expectations based on their relationship with Loyola University.


Los datos personales recabados no serán cedidos o comunicados a terceros, salvo en los supuestos necesarios para el desarrollo, control y cumplimiento de la/s finalidad/es expresada/s, en los supuestos
previstos según Ley, así como en los casos específicos, de los que se informe expresamente al Usuario.

The personal data collected will not be transferred or communicated to third parties, excepting the cases in which is necessary for the development, control and fulfilment of the purposes, in the cases provided for by law, as well as in specific cases beneath listed.


You can execute the following rights:

  • Access
  • Rectification
  • Data Portability
  • Erasure
  • Restriction
  • Right to Object.

In order to exercise the rights, you must send an e-mail to:

You must specify which rights you are willing to execute, and, at the same time, it must be attached to a photocopy of your National Identity Card or appropriate identification document. In case of acting through legal representation, you must also provide a document proving the representation and identification document thereof.

Additionally, in case considering your personal data protection rights have been violated, you can file a claim at the Data Protection Spanish Agency (


We inform you that Loyola University will adopt in its information system the technical and organizational measures legally required, in order to guarantee the security and confidentiality of the stored data, thus avoiding its alteration, loss or unauthorized access.

In accordance with the provisions of the General Data Protection Regulation, all the personal data will be stored on an automated database belonging to Loyola University in Seville (Spain).