
Reseachers from the e-Perinatal project teach a session on perinatal mental health to migrant women

Last Wednesday, September 18th, Paula De Juan and Rosalba Company, members of the e-Perinatal team, led a session on mental ...

Researchers from the e-perinatal project meet with health professionals to get their opinion about the app

Researchers from the University of Seville, Dr. Emma Motrico and predoctoral researcher Paula de Juan, and researcher Dr. Stephanie Carretero ...

Researchers of the e-perinatal project organize focus groups to find out women’s opinion about the app

Researchers of the e-perinatal project have conducted Focus Groups (hereinafter FG) with pregnant women and mothers on October 24, 2023 ...
Loyola University Hosts Perinatal Mental Health Promotion Days in Andalusia

Universidad Loyola Hosts Perinatal Mental Health Promotion Days in Andalusia

Universidad Loyola, in collaboration with the Asociación Andaluza de Matronas, hosted a significant event focusing on perinatal mental health in ...

Researchers of the e-perinatal project participate in the organization of the eCOST conference.

This is the 8th European Training School of Riseup-PPD organized by the COST Action RISEUP-PPD, which includes researchers from the ...
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