Researchers from the University of Seville, Dr. Emma Motrico and predoctoral researcher Paula de Juan, and researcher Dr. Stephanie Carretero from Universidad Loyola moderated two meetings with professionals involved in assisting women during the perinatal period on November 15, 2023 and February 13, 2024. One of these focus groups (FG) took place in a room provided by the Universidad Loyola (Seville Campus) and the other group was via online.
The main objective of these GF groups was to obtain feedback on the preliminary version of the e-Perinatal app from professionals involved in the emotional or physical care of women during the perinatal period. Professional experience in healthcare practice is a key point of view that will help the research group to improve the content and design of the app.

The organization of these groups coincided with the celebration of the Conference on the promotion of perinatal mental health in pregnancy, childbirth and puerperium care in Andalusia, which was held at Universidad Loyola in collaboration with the Andalusian Association of Midwives. As a result, many professionals who attended the groups took advantage of the training.
During the course of the sessions, the researchers began by welcoming the professionals and presenting the project.
Afterwards, they were presented with some screenshots as an example of what they would find once in the app. In addition, they were able to review some examples of content that would appear in the app in different formats: text, podcast, video and infographics.
After presenting the content, they filled out a survey asking specific questions related to the design and content presented. These same questions were then discussed in greater depth during the focus group. The purpose of this analysis was to gain in-depth knowledge of the opinions of the professionals. The group discussion began, in which the participants could express their impressions on the design and content of the app based on their knowledge and training as professionals dedicated to caring for the perinatal population.
Women health professionals highlighted that the e-perinatal app gives a lot of strength to community resources and encourages emotional support
The groups of professionals agreed on the need to reach users through brief content and to provide reliable external resources for further study. The importance of remembering contact with professionals, encouraging them to sign up for face-to-face support resources, which are promoted by the application to combat the feeling of loneliness and to make the experience more complete with the forum.
These professionals recommended the inclusion of images representative of a diversity of family models and women’s profiles. They pointed out the importance of including in the initial assessment or app questionnaires and indicators to detect gender-based violence. They also pointed out the importance of giving strength and voice to community resources and involving professionals who care for women in the use of the app to monitor the emotional state of women.
Finally, they concluded that the e-perinatal app gives great strength to community resources and promotes emotional support, a role that midwives claim should be integrated into the routine monitoring of women in this period.