Get involved!

Our research would not be possible without the experience and knowledge from the people our research is for. These include perinatal women, partners or significant persons, carers – just to name a few. The project e-Perinatal is expected to run from this year until December 2027. 

We are creating a PPI group for individuals interested in our project, who have agreed to receive information about suitable opportunities to collaborate. 

We welcome individuals who have experienced motherhood or fatherhood, who are currently pregnant, or who are involved with the perinatal population through work or research. Sharing your experiences and participating in our group discussions will greatly enhance our research. 

  1. If you are a perinatal woman or partner you can support us sharing your experiences from this statage through reviewing the contents included in the app, testing the app prototype. 
  2. If you are a health practitioner or researcher with expertise in maternal or paternal perinatal care you can help us by providing advice according to your area of expertise. 
  3. If you are a perinatal woman or partner, you can support us by sharing your experiences during this stage, reviewing the app’s content, and testing the app prototype. 

If you want to join the group, we will ask you to complete a short online questionnaire. This will help us to offer activities that are relevant to you!

English version:

Spanish version:

More information can be found in our PPI information sheet (available in English and in Spanish). 

Download the English version:

Download the Spanish version: