Diverso lab en la feria de innovación de la diputación de Sevilla

Varios miembros del laboratorio han asistido a la X feria de la innovación y las nuevas tecnologías organizadas por INPRO en Sevilla. Durante las dos jornadas de duración del evento, los asistentes han podido conocer de primera mano las investigaciones realizadas en el seno del laboratorio así como establecer nuevas alianzas y colaboraciones con empresas …

Diverso Lab members take part in JIETSII 2023

JIETSII 2023 was the first edition of an event held by ETSII Seville in which students from different university degrees shared their works and investigations in order to promote collaboration between them. Diverso Lab members Antonio Germán Márquez, David Romero and José Manuel Sánchez took part in the event presenting their works and sharing them. …

Diverso Lab member successfully defended his master’s thesis

This thursday took place at ETSII Seville the defense of the Master’s thesis of one of the Diverso Lab students, José Antonio Zamudio. He successfully defended his master’s thesis entitled “Chatbot Generation Using Software Product Line Techniques: A Systematic Approach for Reusing Domain Artifacts”, which is the first systematic approach for the intelligent reuse of …

David Benavides, full professor at the University of Seville, invited to give a keynote speech at the international conference on software product lines (SPLC)

David Benavides, professor at the University of Seville, will give a keynote at the International Software Product Line Engineering (SPLC) conference in Tokyo in the last week of August. David Benavides is the coordinator of the Diverso Lab within the Data-centric Computing Research Hub group and a professor in the Department of Computer Languages and …

DiversoLab Participates in the JIPII 2023 Doctoral School

Last Thursday, June 15, DiversoLab attended the III (https://jipii.uca.es/) Conference on Predoctoral Research in Computer Engineering (JIPII 2023) organized by the Higher School of Engineering (ETS) of University of Cádiz.  After the acceptance of an article related to Process Engineering and E-Collaboration, we present the communication within the framework of the industrial doctorate on Smart …

Diverso Lab coordinará la red TASOVA PLUS de la agencia estatal de investigación con 13 universidades

La solicitud de la red TASOVA PLUS ha sido aceptada provisionalmente con el objetivo de mejorar la colaboración y aumentar la visibilidad de las investigaciones en el campo de la arquitectura de software y la variabilidad a nivel nacional e internacional. Con la inclusión de tres nuevos nodos de investigación, la red pasa a estar …

Diverso Lab publishes a paper at AAAI main track: the top conference on AI worldwide

Recently, some members of the Diverso Lab attended the highly esteemed AAAI’23 conference in Washington DC, which focuses on artificial intelligence. Their visit served two purposes. Firstly, they presented their contribution, “FASTDIAGP: An Algorithm for Parallelized Direct Diagnosis,” which resulted from a collaboration with TU Graz and former PhD students from Chile. Secondly, they aimed …

Talk on natural language processing in today’s world

This Monday,  Ph.D. Diverso Lab’s student Antonio J. Dominguez gave a presentation about the latest advances in the natural language processing field connecting the advances with software engineering topics.   The talk addressed the role of scaling a deep learning model to achieve unprecedented results across the whole set of natural language processing evaluations. This …

Diverso lab creates synergies with the public administration through an industrial doctorate program

The industrial modality of doctoral programs favours relationships and the transfer of knowledge and practices between the academic and business worlds. With this concern and the idea of covering existing needs for the Digital Transformation of the Sevillian Local Administration, members of Diverso lab promoted in 2021 a collaboration agreement between the University of Seville …