flamapy.ide has been presented at VaMoS25

This week, the 19th International Working Conference on Variability Modelling of Software-Intensive Systems (VaMoS25) has taken place in Rennes, France, and one of our members had the opportunity to attend the conference and present a new paper.

The paper, titled UVL web-based editing and analysis with flamapy.ide is authored by Francisco Sebastian Benitez, José A. Galindo, David Romero Organvídez and David Benavides, and presents flamapy.ide, a new web tool based on the flamapy ecosystem that allows users to create, modify, visualize and analyze feature models defined in UVL (Universal Variability Language).

One of the key-defining features of flamapy.ide lies in its ability to perform feature model analysis operation directly on the user’s browser, without the need for a backend server.

Dr José A. Galindo participated in the conference and gave a presentation about the tool, including a live demo to showcase its functionality to other attendees.

With flamapy.ide, the UVL ecosystem is not only extended, but also is making progress towards a unified language for variability models.

flamapy.ide is still under active development, so stay tuned for future updates on new features!

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