Diverso Lab publishes a paper at AAAI main track: the top conference on AI worldwide

Recently, some members of the Diverso Lab attended the highly esteemed AAAI’23 conference in Washington DC, which focuses on artificial intelligence. Their visit served two purposes. Firstly, they presented their contribution, “FASTDIAGP: An Algorithm for Parallelized Direct Diagnosis,” which resulted from a collaboration with TU Graz and former PhD students from Chile. Secondly, they aimed to gain knowledge and comprehension of the current state of the art in artificial intelligence, particularly in the areas of LLM (Large Language Models) and constraint problem solving.

The conference was divided into three main blocks. The first block was the workshops program, which comprised a series of talks and workshops focused on specific techniques in AI. One workshop attended was on program synthesis, which featured various talks on how to automatically synthesize programs, mainly based on Large Language Models. The team also attended a machine learning workshop where discussions were held on the latest progress in the field and new solutions proposed.

The second block of the conference was the main program, where the team focused on talks relating to LLM, program synthesis, and machine learning. They also attended a number of fascinating keynote speeches held in an impressive venue

Main conference room

The final block of the conference was the bridge program, which aims to showcase how AI techniques can be applied to various fields. In our particular case, we attended the security bridge program, which delved into techniques for identifying and addressing security issues in software systems.

Publishing our work in the main track of this conference for the first time as researchers of the University of Seville has been an honour and a challenge.

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