Diverso Lab is featured in latest Conectados podcast episode

Two of our lab members, Professor David Benavides and Noelia López, along with Professor Alfonso Moriana from ETSIA joined the Conectados podcast of Canal Sur Radio in their latest episode to talk about our lab’s work and one of our exciting ongoing projects: AquaIA!

From software variability to cutting-edge configurable irrigation systems, they shared insights on how our research is shaping the future of software engineering.

Conectados is a podcast from Canal Sur Radio where the focus is on current events in the world of Information and Communication Technologies, as well as presenting interesting technological projects made in Andalusia.

The episode was released on February 26th and can be listened here: https://www.canalsur.es/radio/programas/conectados/podcast/16860414.html?video=2137236

You can find more information about AquaIA here.

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