The industrial modality of doctoral programs favours relationships and the transfer of knowledge and practices between the academic and business worlds. With this concern and the idea of covering existing needs for the Digital Transformation of the Sevillian Local Administration, members of Diverso lab promoted in 2021 a collaboration agreement between the University of Seville and the Provincial Society of Informatics (INPRO) of the Provincial Council of Seville.
The agreement aims, within the scope of an industrial doctorate in Software Engineering and Technology, to promote more collaborative and intelligent citizen participation in local administrations and governments.
To this end, the IN-GOVERKNO (INtelligent e-GOVErnance fRamework based on collective KNOwledge) project was launched, a pioneer in its field, in which a software framework for intelligent governance is being developed, using a model of collaborative citizen participation based on knowledge by applying software and AI technologies.
The project is directed by full professor David Benavides and developed by PhD student Salvador Muñoz, software analyst in the company.