David Benavides, full professor at the University of Seville, invited to give a keynote speech at the international conference on software product lines (SPLC)

David Benavides, professor at the University of Seville, will give a keynote at the International Software Product Line Engineering (SPLC) conference in Tokyo in the last week of August.

Full professor David Benavides

David Benavides is the coordinator of the Diverso Lab within the Data-centric Computing Research Hub group and a professor in the Department of Computer Languages and Systems at the Escuela Técnica Superior de Ingeniería Informática. The professor and the group have received several international awards in this area, which will be considered for this invitation. In 2017 he received the “most influential paper award” in software product lines; in 2018, he was elected chairman of the SPLC standing committee, a position he held until 2022. In 2020 he received the most influential paper award in configurability. In addition, since 2022, he has been coordinating the selection committee for the most relevant SPLC papers.

Software product lines have been a topic that has given excellent visibility to the University of Seville at the international level in engineering and software systems. Not surprisingly, at the beginning of the year, a paper by researchers from the University of Seville was presented for the first time at the most prestigious conference on artificial intelligence (AAAI).

The theme of the conference in Tokyo “will address current issues such as artificial intelligence applied to this domain” while at the same time giving an overview of “the research milestones that have been addressed from the University of Seville in the last 20 years,” said Professor Benavides.

Source: https://investigacion.us.es/noticias/5590

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