DiversoLab Seminars: Innovation in IT

We’re back with the seminars, and this week we bring you a seminar led by our colleague and professor Francisco José Dominguez. As always, we’ll be gathering this Thursday, the 16th 10:30, in room A2.11 open to everyone and will last 30-45 minutes as usual. Below, we provide an introduction to this week’s seminar: When …

A New Seminar on “UVLHub and Open Science”

This week, on Thursday 21st, we start off with the second seminar of the calendar, which is called “UVLHub and Open Science” and led by our colleague and professor David Romero. Open Science is a current trend that allows open access to scientific results, but how does that translate into practice? In the field of …

Last week’s Seminar on “Challenges in Computational Thinking”

Last Thursday, we inaugurated the seminar calendar with a presentation by Jesús Moreno on “Challenges in Computational Thinking“. The seminar addressed the key findings of recent research on the role of computational thinking in education. Specifically, the issue was explored through three main axes: the assessment of computational thinking skills, their transfer to other domains, …