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«Theorizing Social Movements and Expressions of Contestation: Towards a Global Dialogue», XVIIIº ISA World Congress of Sociology -Yokohama, 13-19 July – compoliticas

«Theorizing Social Movements and Expressions of Contestation: Towards a Global Dialogue», XVIIIº ISA World Congress of Sociology -Yokohama, 13-19 July

For a long time social movement theories were practically synonymous of North American and European social movement theories. Although there was never a completely uncritical reception of these theories in Latin America, Africa and Asia, in recent decades the theorization of social practices and experiences of contestation of these regions has moved towards a more original, consistent and less Eurocentric perspective. At the same time, frames of interpretation and theoretical frameworks begin to move toward an increasingly global dialogue. Somehow, this is not unique to the debate on social movements and accompanies a broader movement in the social sciences. This session aims to present theoretical proposals to interpret collective action, social and cultural contentious expressions and social movements, with emphasis on the Global South. However, unlike some contemporary interpretations, the goal is not discard “Northern” theories and experiences, but weaving a critical and global dialogue based on the consideration of the specificities of the local joints and societies; the diversity of political cultures and national/regional traditions of thoughts; the historical and spatial constructions of social conflict, and so on. Critical, reflexive and contextual theories are especially welcome.

Friday, July 18, 2014: 8:30 AM-10:20 AM
Room: 411
RC47 Social Classes and Social Movements (host committee)
Language: English

Session Organizers:
Breno BRINGEL, Universidade Estado do Rio de Janeiro, Brazil and Shujiro YAZAWA, Seijo University, Japan

Ryoko KOSUGI, Tohoku University, Japan

Toward the Post-Colonial World Connections: Relativizing the Eurocentric Social Movement Theories to Assemblage the Citizenship Beyond Nation-States
Keisuke MORI, Hitotsubashi University, Japan

Late-Alain Touraine’s Theory of Modernity, New Subjects and Cultural Movements: Toward Theorizing Social Transformations in Contemporary Asia
Eiji HAMANISHI, Notre-Dame Seishin Univertisy, Japan

Contentious Politics and the Global South
Renata MOTTA, Free University Berlin, Germany

Subjective Struggles and Collective Movements
Antimo Luigi FARRO, Università di Roma La Sapienza, Italy

Subjectivity and Social Change In Social Struggles In Mexico
Jorge REGALADO SANTILLÁN, Guadalajara University, Mexico; Tommaso GRAVANTE, COMPOLITICAS-Seville University, Spain

From ‘L’intervention Sociologique’ To ‘Pendampingan Sosiologis’ : A Reconstruction Of Social Movements Theory & Methodology Based On Indonesian Experience
Lucia Ratih KUSUMADEWI, University of Indonesia, Indonesia

From Protest Event to Protest Wave: A Theoretical Appraisal on the World-Historical Perspective
Chungse JUNG, Binghamton University, SUNY, USA

Social Justice, a Key Concept in the Social Movements of the Last Hundred Years in Iran
Saeid YARMOHAMMADI, Independent Scholar, Iran

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