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The Male Body as Advertisement: Masculinities in Hispanic Media – compoliticas

The Male Body as Advertisement: Masculinities in Hispanic Media

Rey, Juan (Coord.) (2015).

New York: Peter Lang.

ISBN: 978-1-4541-9281-7.

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The Male Body as Advertisement: Masculinities in Hispanic Media offers a multidisciplinary view of the body of men, of its practices and attributes, of its features, and, most importantly, of its use as a persuasive and expressive resource. Just as it occurred with the female body, the male body has become an object of desire in some instances and an object of expression in others.
This collection of essays represents several developments in the field of communication studies. It is the first time that a study on the body of men in the Hispanic media has been carried out using film, television, internet, billboards, and so forth. This book also equates men to women in the media world. Lacking its own tradition, the male body has followed in the footsteps of the female body. It has been objectified, stylized, and transformed into a weapon of persuasion to reach the modern man.
The Male Body as Advertisement can be useful for students of communication, anthropology, sociology, gender studies, and cultural studies. It will serve graduate students as a bibliographic reference for research on the male body as well as undergraduate students whose programs address issues related to gender studies. This work is also written to reach a wider audience beyond the university.


Salomé Sola Morales, investigadora del grupo, contribuyó con el capítulo «Consumption Bodies: Cult and Virtual Representation on Male Identity in Chile».