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ESA Conference: Social Movements and Emotion – compoliticas

ESA Conference: Social Movements and Emotion

En el decimoprimero Congreso de la Asociación Europea de Sociología  que se tendrá en la Universidad de Turin, en el Research Network 25 – Social Movements, Compoliticas estará presente con el investigador asociado Tommaso Gravante en el panel a06RN25 – Social Movements and Emotion Session.

Programa del panel
a06RN25 – Social Movements and Emotion Session One

30/8/ 2013 – 16:00 – 17:30 – Palazzina Einaudi, Aula 3

Chair: Helena Flam (University of Leipzig).

 The Emotional Dynamics of a Local Environmental Protest against the Sitting of Waste Management Facility: The Case of Keratea.
Angelos Evangelinidis, Postgraduate Student.

– How Emotions Change Protest. A Proposal of Analysis. 
Alice Poma, University Pablo de Olavide, Seville
Tommaso Gravante, Compoliticas, Spain

 Emotional Constellations of Demonstrators; The Impact of Political Allies.
Dunya MM van Troost, Free University, Amsterdam
Jacquelien van Stekelenburg, VU University, Amsterdam
Bert Klandermans, VU University, Amsterdam

– Fear Management Mechanisms in Protests agains Repressive Regimes.
Hank Johnston, San Diego State University.

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