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CONGRÈS ISA/RCSL 2013: Environment and the Law: Popular Struggles, Popular Epidemiology and Other Forms of Resistance «From Below» in Worldwide Areas at Risk. – compoliticas

CONGRÈS ISA/RCSL 2013: Environment and the Law: Popular Struggles, Popular Epidemiology and Other Forms of Resistance «From Below» in Worldwide Areas at Risk.

Sciences-Po Toulouse, bajo la dirección de Philippe RAIMBAULT, organiza, en colaboración con el Research Committee on Sociology of Law of the International Sociological Association [ISA/RCSL], con el apoyo de la Red Europea Derecho y Sociedad (RED&S), y en colaboración con la Asociación Francesa de Ciencia Política (AFSP), la Asociación Francesa de Sociología (AFS) y de la Red Temática 13 «Sociología del Derecho y la Justicia», un Congreso que tendrá lugar en Toulouse, del 3 al 6 de septiembre de 2013. En esta ocasión Compoliticas estará presente con el investigador asociado Tommaso Gravante en el panel: Environment and the Law: Popular Struggles, Popular Epidemiology and Other Forms of Resistance «From Below» in Worldwide Areas at Risk.

Manufacture des Tabacs – Building D    Thursday, September 5th, 2013 – 2 pm-4 pm

Pietro SAITTA, Lecturer, University of Messina, Italy
Ilaria LAZZERINI, PhD Candidate, University of Milan, Italy

Moderator: Pietro SAITTA, Lecturer, University of Messina, Italy
Introduction: Ilaria LAZZERINI, PhD Candidate, University of Milan, Italy

Alice POMA, PhD Student, Pablo de Olavide University, Spain & Tommaso GRAVANTE, Compoliticas, Spain
Analyzing resistances from Below. A Proposal of Analysis Based on Three Experiences of Conflict Against Dams in Spain and Mexico

Giovanni PRETE, Lecturer, University of Paris 13, France
Paradise Lost?: The Impossible Emergence of “Popular Epidemiology” in a French Apple Production Area

Marco DE BIASE, Researcher, Free University of Brussels (ULB), Belgium
Fires of Pianura


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