Bolaño, César; Mastrini, Guillermo & Sierra Caballero, Francisco (Coords.) (2012).
New York: Hampton Press.
ISBN: 978-1-61289-027-2.
Recent changes in the economic and political world scenario have been dominated by an increasing globalizing process and a constant capital mobilization. This process has left a significant mark on nation-based economies and cultural systems, giving a prominent role to the economic agencies and sectors involved in information and communication industries. The influence and side-effects of this new scenario for public policies in southern countries are just uncertain.
The present volume provides the analytical and conceptual framework from which to explore the issue of political economy of communication. The chapters introduce the reader to the knowledge of the features, inner contradictions and the dialectics of regional alternative communication versus information control. By doing this, different questions are addressed: from the ideological perspectives implied in the ethnocentric reproduction of prevalent cultural paradigms (and the persistence of cultural inequalities), to central issues concerning the “digital revolution” and its impact on the political economy of communication and culture worldwide, with a special emphasis on Latin America.
Contents: Introduction, César Bolaño, Guillermo Mastrini and Francisco Sierra. Intellectual Work, Communication and Capitalism: The Reconfiguration of the Subjective Factor in the Current Productive Reorganization, César Bolaño. An Old Technology of Information and Communication: Some Implications, Cesare Giuseppe Galvan. Strategies of the Media Groups in the Convergence Era, Juan Carlos Miguel. Communication Networks, Learning, and Society, Gaëtan Tremblay. Telematics Information and Education Society: Economy, Policies, and Logics of Knowledge Socialization, Delia Crovi Druetta and Francisco Sierra Caballero.. The New International Division of Cultural Labor, Toby Miller and George Yúdice. Political Culture and Media Culture, Ancízar Narváez Montoya. Communication Economy, Social Logics and Territoriality, Alain Herscovici. New Policies for Diversity: Territorial Cultures at Risk Due to Globalization, Ramón Zallo. Cultural Industries and the New Digital Networks, Luis A. Albornoz. Culture Reproduction or Reproduction Culture?: Toward a New Framework of Regulation and Exploitation of Cultural Products on the Internet, Juan C. Calvi. Structure of the Info-Communications Sector in Latin America, Guillermo Mastrini and Martín Becerra. Information and Global Communication: Understanding the 21st Century, Othon Jambeiro, Valério Cruz Brittos, and Anita Simis. Pan-American Audiovisual Integration and the Shrinking Latin American Cinema Industry: Market Falality or Policy Alternative?, Enrique E. Sánchez Ruiz. Author Index. Subject Index.