Activities and seminars






logo.png   CODESCO’24 (Sevilla, Spain, July 8th-12th, 2024)  Webpage



image001.gif   Hadamard 25 (Sevilla, Spain, May 26th-30th, 2025)  Webpage





Santiago Barrera (Monash University) “Introducción a la teoría de grupos de permutaciones con aplicaciones a las matrices de Hadamard”. July 2nd-3rd, 2024


Lorenzo Mella (University of Modena and Reggio Emilia).  “An overview of Heffter Arrays”. October 25th, 2023


Jaime Gutiérrez (Universidad de Cantabria). “Local Permutation Polynomials”. July 6th-7th, 2023


Iván Bailera (Universidad de Zaragoza). “Códigos Hadamard de tipo full propelinear”. September 29th, 2022


Carlos Vela (University of Aveiro). “A Rank-metric convolutional codes: a brief introduction”. September 27th, 2022


Nick Cavenagh (Waikato University). “Row-column factorial designs of strength alt least 2”. September 13th, 2022


Rebecca J. Stones (Nankai University). “A  latin square autotopism secret sharing scheme”. April 5th, 2017


Rebecca J. Stones (Nankai University). “Reliability equations for large storage systems with proactive fault tolerance” May 19th, 2016