Marie Skłodowska-Curie Action by Lidia Álvarez Morales
The objective of Individual Fellowships (IF) is to improve the creative and innovative potential of experienced researchers, through individual projects. The aim is to promote international and intersectoral mobility in universities, research centers, research infrastructures, companies, SMEs and other socio-economic groups throughout Europe and beyond. This action is intended to encourage mobility between European countries, by funding research projects of between one and several years, facilitating mobility between European countries.
Alicia Alonso research stay Alicia Alonso has collaborated as a invited researcher at the Acoustics, Lightning, Building Components and Facilities Unit (NAICI), of the Laboratório Nacional de Engenharia Civil in Lisbon (Portugal), in the period from September 15, 2017 to February 16, 2018. During this stay, which was funded by one of Grants for PhD International Mobility CEI Patrimonio and V Grants for Internationalization IUACC, the researcher has carried out various scientific tasks related to the Study of the acoustic behaviour of materials that could be arranged on different constructive elements in enclosures and the Development of criteria for the evaluation of vibrations and of structural noise irradiation at low frequencies. In particular, one of the main objectives developed during the stay has been: - the analysis of the acoustic behaviour of homogeneous and heterogeneous floors, which differs significantly mainly due to its structural properties. Proposals of systems were investigated to reduce the impact of sound transmission, deepening the study of the same materials, in order to know if they behave similarly in both types of floor.
Participation in the Seminar e Webinar on Environmental Acoustics (Seminário e Webinar Acústica Ambiental) 25th November, 2016, Green Amphitheater, 8th building, Campus de Gambelas, Universidade do Algarve, Faro (Portugal).
Alicia Alonso research stay Alicia Alonso has collaborated as a invited researcher at the Institute of Sound and Vibration Research, of the University of Southampton (United Kingdom), in the period from September 21 to December 20, 2015. During this stay, which was funded by a mobility financing granted by the Ministry of Education, Government of Spain (Ref. EST14 / 00201), the researcher has carried out various scientific tasks related to the study of subjective acoustics. In particular, one of the main objectives developed during the stay has been the depth study of perceived acoustic evaluation, virtual acoustics and implementation of audible systems (auralizaciones), for which it has carried out the realization of subjective tests with listeners. In order to properly develop the whole process, the theoretical support has enhanced and the possibilities of current techniques of virtual acoustics were exploited. |
Lidia Álvarez research stay Lidia Alvarez carried out a pre-doctoral stay to qualify for the doctorate with international recognition with financial support provided by the Campus of International Excellence in Heritage PatrimoniUN10. She worked as a guest researcher in Cultures of the Digital Economy Research Institute (CoDE) of Anglia Ruskin University, Cambridge (UK), in the period 1st June to 4th September, 2015. During her stay various activities regarding the study of the acoustics of heritage buildings were conducted. On the one hand, she worked on processing the B-format impulse responses measured in the Andalusian cathedrals. In addition, she participated in the measurement campaign for the acoustic characterisation of King's College Chapel (Cambridge, UK), by using new measurement techniques and programmes of audio signal processing. She also improved her skills in writing proposals for research projects in the field of the acoustics of heritage buildings. Furthermore, the participation in the following activities, held at Anglia Ruskin University, is worthy of note: - KES Innovation in Music Conference (7-9th June, 2015).
Campaign of measures in the Cathedral of Santiago During the period of extension of the project, the possibility of carrying out a campaign of acoustic measurements in the Cathedral of Santiago de Compostela through Francesco Martellotta has arisen, which has sent two Italian students for the completion of the final degree project in A Coruña. The acoustic measurements materialized in collaboration with Professors Pedro Nogueira (Department of Applied Physics, University of A Coruña) Francesco Martellotta (Polytechnic of Bari) and Juan José Gómez Alfajeme (Department of Audiovisual Engineering and Communications Polytechnic University of Madrid), during the days 21-24 May 2018. |
Participation in the Tecniacustica & FIA 2018 Conference Participation in the Tecniacustica & FIA 2018 Conference with three works in collaboration with the Department of Scienze dell'Ingegneria Civile e dell'Architettura, from the Polytechnic of Bari (Italy) "Identifying acoustically coupled volumes in the cathedral of Toledo" (S. Girón, T. Zamarreño, M. Galindo, F. Martellotta), "Virtual acoustics of the cathedral of Cadiz" (A. Escobar, T. Zamarreño, S. Girón) and "Estudio acústico de la Catedral de Santiago de Compostela (Acoustic study of the Cathedral of Santiago de Compostela)" (F. Balestra, F. Ciani, F. Martellotta, P. F. Nogueira, J. J. Gómez-Alfageme, M. Galindo, L. Álvarez-Morales, A. Álvarez-Corbacho). |
Participation in the EuroNoise 2018 Conference Participation in the EuroNoise 2018 Conference with two works in collaboration with the Department of Scienze dell'Ingegneria Civile e dell'Architettura, from the Polytechnic of Bari (Italy) "Virtual acoustics of the cathedral of Murcia considering occupation and different source locations" (L. Álvarez-Morales, A. Alonso, S. Girón, T. Zamarreño, F. Martellotta) and "Coupled spaces in San Luis de los Franceses church" (E. Alberdi, F. Martellotta, M. Galindo, A. L. León). |
Experimental measurements in Seville Cathedral We have carried out the acoustic measurements in situ in the Cathedral of Seville at night from Tuesday, 6th to Wednesday 7th February, 2018.
Participation in the Congress Tecniacustica 2017 Participation in the 2017 Tecniacústica congress with a work in collaboration with the Department of Scienze dell'Ingegneria Civile e dell'Architettura of the Polytechnic of Bari (Italy) "Acoustically coupled volumes in the cathedrals of Murcia and Seville" (Zamarreño, J. Delgado-Aguilera, S. Girón, F. Martellotta). |
Anechoic recordings of musical pieces performed by the Orquesta Barroca of Seville
On Sunday 22nd January 2017 the video and audio of the performance from the Orquesta Barroca of Seville of five pieces of music, were recorded. They were extracts of the Sonata in the Spanish eighteenth century.
Interview with Alicia Alonso in the program Longitud de Onda On January 16th 2017 Alicia Alonso was interviewed in the Longitud de Onda program of the radio station Radio Clasica of Radio Nacional de España.
Participation in the IV Seminar on Strategies for the Knowledge of Architectural Heritage. Architectural Heritage and Technology. Methodological Discussion
7-9th October, 2016, conference hall of the Andalusian Institute of Historical Heritage (IAPH). Monastery of la Cartuja (Seville).
Photo report of the Cathedral of Seville Transept On May 31st a comprehensive photo report of the Cathedral of Seville Transept was performed.
Training course on VIZARD™ virtual reality software On 19 th and 20 th May 2016 an intensive course of 12 hours has been organized for training the researchers of the project in this technology. The course was taught by Dr. Seckin Basturk from Soundimensions Company. |
Participation in the Congress EuroRegio2016 The EuroRegio2016, organised by the Portuguese Acoustical Society (SPA) and the Spanish Acoustical Society (SEA), will be held at the Faculty of Engineering of the University of Porto (FEUP), in June, 13-15 th. This congress will be held jointly with the 9th Iberian Congress and the 47th Spanish Congress on Acoustics TECNIACUSTICA®2016, and will include an EAA Summer School on Acoustics, and a Forum for Young Acousticians.
Participation in the Second Symposium on the Art of Organ Building in Spain In May, 4-6 th of 2016 the II Symposium on the Art of Organ Building in Spain has been developed in Madrid. A journey through the pipe organs of the spanish Cathedrals, organized by the Institute of Cultural Heritage of Spain, led by Carmen Diaz Baruque and developed at the headquarters of IPCE in Madrid. As shown in the program ( a member of our group, Teofilo Zamarreño, was invited to participate with a paper entitled "La Acústica de las Catedrales" ("The acoustics of the Cathedrals") which it was held on Thursday, 5th May. He later participated in the round table with other speakers and guests (Pedro Navascués, Óscar Laguna, Juan de la Rubia and Frédéric Desmottes).
Experimental measurements in Toledo Cathedral We have carried out the acoustic measurements in situ in the Cathedral of Toledo at night from Sunday, 17th to Tuesday 19th April, 2016.
360º Tour Major Chapel |
Photo report of the Cathedral of Seville Royal Chapel On April 5th a comprehensive photo report of the Cathedral of Seville Royal Chapel was performed.
Experimental measurements of the project in the Cathedral of Murcia We have carried aot the acoustic measurements in situ in Murcia Cathedral at night on Monday 1st and Tuesday 2nd February 2016.
The TECNIACUSTICA© 2015 -46th Spanish Congress on Acoustics, the Iberian Meeting on Acoustics and European Symposion on Virtual Acoustics and Ambisonics- will be held on 21st to 23rd October 2015 at the Universitat Politècnica de València.
The technical program will include plenary lectures, invited and contributed papers covering all aspects of acoustics.
There will be a technical exposition -EXPOACUSTICA© 2015- highlighting the latest advances in acoustics.