Capítulos de libros últimos 10 años

Calama-González, C.M. (2020). Unir teoría y práctica a través de lo virtual: una innovación docente aplicada al diseño de instalaciones / Coupling theory and practice through the virtual: a teaching innovation applied to the design of installations. L

LIBRO: Ciclos de mejora en el aula año 2019: Experiencias de innovación docente de la Universidad de Sevilla.Porlán Ariza, Rafael; Navarro Medina, Elisa (Ed.)
: 336-358
CIUDAD: Sevilla
EDITORIAL: Sevilla: Universidad de Sevilla
ISBN: 978-84-472-2191-2

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I. Bernardino-Galeana; C Llatas; M V Montes; B Soust-Verdaguer; J Canivell; P Meda (2021). Life Cycle Cost (LCC) and Sustainability. Proposal of an IFC Structure to Implement LCC During the Design Stage of Buildings

LIBRO: En Critical Thinking in the Sustainable Rehabilitation and Risk Management of the Built Environment.
: 404-426
CIUDAD: Iasi (Romania)
EDITORIAL: Ancuta Rotaru (ed.) CRIT-RE-BUILT. Proceedings of the International Conference, November 7-9, 2019.

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Simic, N., Galan Gonzalez, A., de-Borja-Torrejon, M., Gualandi, E. (2019). SRT Collaborative Platform for Maturity Assessment.

LIBRO: Giulia Peretti, Carsten K. Druhmann R. (Eds) Regenerative Construction and Operation. Bridging the gap between design and construction, following a Life Cycle Approach consisting of practical approaches for procurement, construction, operation and future life.
: 153-154
CIUDAD: Bolzano, Italia
EDITORIAL: COST Action CA16114 RESTORE, Working Group Three Report: Regenerative Construction and Operation
ISBN: 978-3-9504607-4-2 (Online)

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de-Borja-Torrejon, M. (2019). Towards a regenerative built environment: complementary actions addressing energy, maintenance and operation in buildings.

LIBRO: Giulia Peretti, Carsten K. Druhmann R. (Eds) Regenerative Construction and Operation. Bridging the gap between design and construction, following a Life Cycle Approach consisting of practical approaches for procurement, construction, operation and future life.
: 100-102
CIUDAD: Bolzano, Italia
EDITORIAL: COST Action CA16114 RESTORE, Working Group Three Report: Regenerative Construction and Operation
ISBN: 978-3-9504607-4-2 (Online)

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