e-Perinatal: Fostering parents’ mental health during pregnancy and early years
Primary Health Care Centers
I see postpartum mental health as very important, and it is true that it is not often talked about. It is very important and a significant issue.
As a first-time parent, any help from verified sources or reliable places is welcome.
Well, I really like the idea of the app, especially that it includes fathers as part of it, because usually, the information is only for mothers.
I really liked that you could include your partner, who can also Access the content, because all the apps usually focus on the mother.
I believe that fathers also experience changes during the perinatal period, but it seems they are not as well-studied or given as much attention.
I see that, at the end, the information empowers both parts of the couple. And that is fundamental.
It gives me a lot of confidence that it is endorsed by professionals. Often, the apps I have downloaded don’t provide well-based articles, and you don’t know where the information is coming from.
I am very motivated by the increasing importance given to perinatal mental health.
For parents to be fine, it is important to work on their own well-being, right? We should focus not only on them as parents but also on their physical and emotional wellness.
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Our Promotional Video is Here! Discover how we support perinatal mental health through the e-Perinatal project.